
Superior service
Investment decisions involve more than just numbers. These decisions involve values…values of the investments and personal values. What is important to YOU? What is it you are trying to accomplish with your investments? Do you need income to supplement your retirement income? When do you need the money that is being invested? There are many questions that we help you address so that we have an investment strategy suited specifically to YOU.
in-vest-ing [in-vest-ing]
verb: Putting your money to work to obtain profit or income
As independent investment advisors we have access to publicly securities. We tailor each investment approach to the particular needs, future goals, dollars available to invest, and risk tolerances of each client. A large part of our job is to narrow the vast number of choices down to a few manageable ones. We have no proprietary products, nor are we subject to any sales quotas. Click here to learn more about how we are independent. Our role is as a fiduciary. That word means we have a duty to place your interests above our own. So recommendations and suggestions are based solely on what serves you best.
Our Custodian is TD Ameritrade (a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation)--If you open an investment account with Tuggle & Russell, LLC as your advisor, your account will be held at TD Ameritrade. You are the owner of the account. You grant us limited power of attorney to execute trades, withdraw invoiced fees, and complete other tasks that you request. But YOU have complete access and control of your account.
Your account funds are completely separate from other client funds, and are not co-mingled with the working funds of Tuggle & Russell, LLC.
You receive a monthly statement from TD Ameritrade. You see exactly what has happened in your account. You may also access your account 24/7 online.
Investment management clients receive a Quarterly Report from us. This report summarizes activity and performance figures for the quarter and reconciles with the independently prepared monthly statements from TD Ameritrade.
As independent advisors, we may choose to add or change who we use as custodians of client investment accounts in light of what is best for our clients.
We use FDIC Insured Cash Accounts—Every investment account has some portion in cash. That cash within your TD Ameritrade account is FDIC insured up to the FDIC normal coverage limits.
All accounts at TD Ameritrade have SIPC protection*--That means that if TD Ameritrade becomes insolvent, your assets will not be affected. However, SIPC coverage does NOT insure you against investments themselves losing value.
TD Ameritrade provides each client $149.5 million worth of protection for securities and $2 million of protection for cash in the event of a brokerage insolvency, through a supplement coverage policy provided by London insurers. The aggregate limit is $500 million over all customers. It does not protect against loss in market value.
*The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) provides protection of up to $500,000, including a $250,000 limit for cash on acacounts held at SIPC member firms. The protection is provided in the event a SIPC member firm becomes insolvent and covers most types of securities such as stocks, bond, and mutual funds. SIPC does not protect you against losses caused by a decline in the market value of your securitiese and it does not provide protection for investment contracts not registered with the SEC.